Classes are:
Fridays 7pm to 8.30pm at Forge Valley School, Studio.
Cost: £5.00 per session.
Beginners are most welcome to try out this unusual fitness regime. Beginners
can borrow a light set of wooden clubs (circa 1kg or 2lbs).
Normally most people will also have some basic kit such as a tracksuit,
trainers (with socks), tee shirt and shorts.
It is useful to bring a lightweight skipping rope to our classes as
skipping offers an opportunity to train the legs and improve aerobic
fitness levels.
A typical Indian club swinging session will involve the following:
• Basic warming up exercises, especially for the shoulders and
• Some basic club swinging routines (e.g. pendulums, circles,
hand changes).
• Some advanced club swinging routines (e.g. swings with one club
and swings with two clubs) with instruction.
• Some skipping routines.
• Some light jogging and running.
• Some light resistance exercises with the clubs used as weights.
• Warm down, stretching off and a relaxation and breathing time
to finish.
We intend to have a number of activities in the future. These will include:
• Seminars.
our latest
course schedule here: |
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• Demonstrations and exhibitions of Indian club
• Charity fund raising events.
• Coaching courses.